Selecting the Most Appropriate Security Solution

Based in Melbourne, Vic Mankotia currently maintains responsibilities at CA Technologies as vice president of solution strategy for Asia Pacific and Japan, a position in which he focuses on expanding the company’s security, mobility, and IT business management portfolios. Vic Mankotia also stays abreast of developments in the information systems industry as a member of the ISACA.

In a recent ISACA Journal Author Blog, information systems expert Kerry A. Anderson explains the importance of choosing the most appropriate security solution for an enterprise. Anderson asserts that it’s essential to begin the selection process for an information security program by determining functional requirements and establishing criteria that clearly defines what the organization needs to realize regulatory compliance, supplement existing security technologies, and eradicate security perimeter gaps.

According to Anderson, organizations should carefully compare potential security programs and resist the temptation to select a familiar security system out of habit. Instead, Anderson emphasizes that a security solution should be customized to meet the needs an organizations, integrate easily into the organizational environment, and optimize the expenditure.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Biometric Authentication

Vic Mankotia has been at the forefront of information technology and security for almost two decades. Currently an executive at CA Technologies, Inc., in Melbourne, Vic Mankotia’s professional concerns include the use of ever more sophisticated systems for accessing a company’s private information. Recently, Mankotia published an article regarding the use of biometric characteristics of the human body as a means of verifying identity.

Biometric technology applications for security and identity verification are significantly more secure than passwords, which can be broken. As a relevant example, one organization, after being hacked, was forced to reset 50 million passwords. Rather than using codes that can be so easily compromised, biometric security protocols include such techniques as scanning faces, fingerprints, and irises. Its use is a growing trend. Various mobile devices, such as the iPhone 5, allow users to employ fingerprint identification. Biometry offers enhanced protection for names and data and help fight financial fraud.

However, biometric security checks cannot be considered invulnerable. Hackers can copy fingerprints, which are left on many surfaces. Unlike passwords, fingerprints cannot be changed. In addition, system inadequacies can reduce the usefulness of fingerprints. Problems occur when a new fingerprint is registered in that the company must find some way to ensure that the fingerprinted person is indeed who they claim to be. To provide protection for this and other problems, businesses should supplement fingerprinting with other biometric or traditional authentication methods.

Fragmentation to Unity: The History of the RSPCA in Australia

A member of the Australian Institute of Management, Vic Mankotia holds the position of vice president of security sales for Asia-Pacific and Japan at Computer Associates Technologies. Outside the office, Vic Mankotia supports several philanthropic endeavors, including the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) in Australia.

Whether operating as statewide groups or as a national organization, the RSPCA has vigorously championed the causes of animal rights and welfare, often presiding at the forefront of national discussions about animals’ role in Australian culture. In addition, the RSPCA has taken on care for hundreds of thousands of injured and homeless animals every year and has supervised the adoption of countless dogs and cats as well as other animals, especially horses.